A Church App for GV SDA? Yes

The GV SDA Church app makes it easier to keep up with the most important information at church.

Church Planning Center is the app service our church is using. To get the app, search for “Church Center” on the app store, or see links below.

Once you download the app, it will ask you which church is yours. To find our church, either allow the app to use your location or type in Grass Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church.

All the links in the app will work work, except for the church directory. To access that you must be a member or attendee of our church. We have to send you an invite to access the church directory. If you want this, contact the church office for assistance.

Here are the links to download it to your phone, both Google and Apple. Also below is a video tutorial by Pastor Jeff for those who may want directions on getting set up.

Tutorial Video on Setting Up The Church App

More information about our Church Directory